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Our Software Development Philosophy

We use current Microsoft software development tools.

We are committed to the Clean Code principles and practices.

Our agile software development methods are based on the principles of the Agile Manifesto.

Software Development as a Living Process

We always keep an eye on the ease-of-use of the GUI as well as the expandability and maintainability of the functions.

Our agile CTL software development process offers enough scope for initiative and creativity. We have modern tools such as Microsoft Visual Studio, Azure DevOps Server (ADOS) and Git at our disposal.

In our quality management system, we have defined rules, which are to be followed throughout our software development process. These rules are based on internationally recognized software development methods and are regularly subjected to an internal review.

Training Concept

We know that our employees' expertise is our greatest asset, which is why it is particularly important to us to to promote and train our employees according to their skills and tasks.

In-house training courses and internal workshops are on the agenda and are usually organized and conducted by our permanent trainer.
As it goes without saying that one trainer cannot always be available for everyone at the same time, we also make active use of external resources, such as external training courses, participation in conferences or consulting.

This extensive training concept is made possible by the generous training budgets of our parent company  MEU.